Copyright & User Agreement

© 2012 Rebecca Mushtare

Project Concept and Programming by Rebecca Mushtare

Videography and Web Design by Emil Lendof

Each Contributor(YOU) retains the copyright to her/his (your) original submissions.

Each contributor (you) provides Rebecca Mushtare and an unlimited right to exhibit contributions at this url and in physical locations where this work is on display. Each contributor is credited via the username provided by the contributor. Removal from the site requires a written request to Rebecca via inquiry [at]

By contributing contents to this site you verify that you are at least 13 years of age and agree to share your contributions and verify that the story and media are yours to distribute freely. Any violation of intellectual property laws by a contributor is the responsibility of the contributor. Violations can be reported to the site creator, Rebecca: inquiry [at]

This is a community project and should be kept at a "PG" rating.

Contributions to this project may be removed at any time, for any reason, by the site's creator, Rebecca Mushtare.

Email addresses used to create your account will not be sold or shared (unless required by law).

Last modified: March 06 2012 17:16:43.