circles on 16 squares

Although not entirely practical as a quilt, Circles on 16 Squrares, is an experiment in using plastic bags in lieu of fabric. This project is partially inspired by 1920s-1940s feedsack quilts that were made from cloth remnants saved from bags foodstuffs were sold in. Plastic replaced many kinds of paper and fabric packaging in the 1960s. Due to the pollution caused by plastics, many municipalities are moving towards laws that limit plastic and encourage reusable materials like cloth. The most interesting quality of plastic bags when used to create quilts and other creative works is its transparent properties.

Circles on 16 Squares Installed at Lapham Gallery.
Circles on 16 Squares
Installed at Lapham Gallery.
Circles on 16 Squares
Circles on 16 Squares
Detail of stitching.
Circles on Squares Detail of individual quilt square.
Circles on Squares
Detail of quilt square (third down in first column).